Sitemap - 2023 - The Freemen News-Letter

Peace On Earth, Good Will To Men!

Christmas and The Imprint of Eternity

Patrick Deneen is Wrong about 'It’s a Wonderful Life'

Christmas and the Miracle of America

The Selective Application of Free Speech Principles at Harvard

The Rise of Antisemitism in America

A Tea Party Walk

Who Owns the West?

Stop using the word "NeoCon"

A Preacher’s Take on The Boston Tea Party

Today's Radicals Are Not the Inheritors of the Boston Tea Party

The Boston Tea Party and The British East India Company

John Locke and the Ruckus in the Harbor

'No Taxation Without Representation'

Liz Cheney's Flight 93 Election

America Does Not Live or Die at the Ballot Box

Teaching Survival Through Manhood

Ho-Ho-Hold Your Wallet This Christmas

The Political Tragedy of Chris Christie

Burkean Prescription Should Inform Us, Not Rule Us

Prudence, First Of All Virtues

Civic Health: The Value of Transparency and Accountability

A Chilling Congressional Testimony

The Legacy of John Bingham: Architect of the Fourteenth Amendment

U.S. Priorities on the World Stage

Conservative Stewardship of the Environment

"Responsible Rhetoric for Thee But Not for Me"

Saucer-Plus: Don’t be Fooled Republicans, Trump Still Can’t Win

To See the World Anew

The Craziest Hunt

DeSantis is Spinning His Wheels

DeSantis is Still The Only Viable Trump Alternative

Social Media: The Amplifiers v. The Censors

Equal Power in Co-Equal Branches of Government

Black Friday Showcases Capitalism in Action

The Magic Kingdom Awakens from Wokeism

Conciliation or Conviction

The Need for a New AUMF

A Discount Plan to End Homelessness?

Founding Vision: Forged in the Fire of Experience

No, Javier Milei isn't 'Far-Right'

Attacking the System, Left & Right

The Myth of Laissez-Faire Herbert Hoover


Gratitude, Success, and Duty

Roll Eating and Drumsticks

Gratitude is Built on Freedom

Thanksgiving and Foundational Conservatism

Giving Thanks, an Act of Subtle Rebellion

Grateful for the Land of Opportunity

Appreciating the Bounty

Thanksgiving and Gratitude

A Day for Giving Thanks

Higher Prices Take A Bite Out Of Your Thanksgiving Feast

Did Reading Rainbow "Ban Books?"

Free Speech is Not Free

The Wrong Tweet Went Viral

Saucer-Plus: Polls are more predictive than the Iowa Caucuses

Gentlemen and Chivalry in the Age of Steel

Episode 14 - The Return of "the Jewish Question"

Getting Theoretical

Morality in Political Science

Hermit Kingdom Envy

When Reed and Republicans Ruled

RIP: M. Russell Ballard

Hayek and Liberty's Constitution

Anti-Semitism: The Bellwether of Dysfunction and Decay

Irving Kristol on Reformers

The Unholy Alliance vs. Pax Americana

Irving Kristol on Tax Reform

Edmund Burke, Adam Smith, and Fusionism before “Fusionism”

The Perfectibility of Man

Veteran's Day: A Prayer for my Brothers and Sisters in Arms

Thoughts for Veterans Day

Busting Ghosts and Cutting Red Tape

Heart by Heart, State by State

Irving Kristol on Liberalism

Substance in a Trump Era Debate!?

Irving Kristol on Republicans Losing

Free Enterprise isn't Enough

Ep. 13 - Pre-Debate w/ Scott Howard

The Final Showdown?

On Republican Radicalism

Iran - Yesterday and Today

Atomized Truth

Two Cheers for Cancel Culture

American Leadership and Religious Freedom

Bruce Springsteen's Surprising Conservatism

Ramaswamy the "George Washington America First Conservative"

The Big Lie of 1876

The Conflation Problem

The Potemkin Patriot

On Having a Thick Skin

Secularism is the Aberration

"Blame America"

On Judicial Activism

When People Tell You Who They Are, Believe Them

Confronting the Nazi Regime

Husbands and Fathers: Now is the Time!

Points of No Return

Peace through Strength is Still the Only Peace

A Nation of Laws: Antonin Scalia’s Legacy

Caring About the Constitution Consistently

The Perils of an Open Society

Cannon Fodder

Uncap the House - A New National Debate

Russell Kirk and the New Pagans

Target Shooting and Wildfires

No More Moral Superiority

Dealing With NATO's Problem Child

Respecting Tradition and the Lessons of History

Nationalism and Providence

War in Israel: The Need for Bold Statesmanship

The Miraculous Nation and Her Enemies

Defeating Hamas: Four Points

The Deceptive Peace

Hamas Shows Its True Colors

Hamas Is an Enemy to Freedom

Conservatism and Immutable Verities

The Clown House

George Washington - A Profile in Virtue

Disney Star Wars Is Fan Fiction

Please Support Our Efforts

Being the Good Guys

Tradition and Liberty

So Much Winning

A Moral and Religious People

NatCon v. FreeCon

Yes, DeSantis is Pandering

The Shining City Under Siege

The Car Wreck of American Politics

The Drums of War

Truth Isn't Relative

Is Stopping Power a Myth?

An Independent Debate?

Against Performative Egalitarianism

Suicide of the West: A Deceptively Important Book

No, Carl Trueman Is Not Part of the "New Right"

The Press Conference Debate

The New Right and its 'Masculinity'

Reckless Attacks on the 12th Amendment

Debate Déjà Vu

A Time for Choosing?

GOP Debate: The Contender

GOP Debate: The Dark Horse

GOP Debate: The Comeback Kid?

GOP Debate: Ulterior Motives

GOP Debate: The Duds

Conservatism and Charismatic Leaders

Resilience Requires Beliefs

The Case for Citizens' Assemblies

Book Bans?

Conservative Climate Policy

Therapy is Not a Religion

Tales from the Timberline

"Blank Check" Nonsense

The Obligations of Power Primacy

Speaker of the Majority?

Use & Abuse of Classical Liberalism

Removing Statues & Animating Strawmen

Faith of the Founders

"Rewarding the Rich and Punishing Everyone Else"

Keep Nine

"Shut It Down!"

The Hope and Deceit of Honor

The Constitution Still Stands

The Constitution and Its Enemies

The Spirit of the Constitution

Douglass' Sacred Effort

The U.S. Constitution & Economic Freedom

Speak Free, Write Free, Live Free


Against Negative Partisanship

A More Informed “Anti-Globalism”

Sovereignty Considered

Sowell and the Unrestrained Right

The Woke Enigma

Is it Morning in America, or High Noon?

In Defense of the Two-Party System

My Chat with ChatGPT

Constitutional Guardians - Balancing Order and Liberty in Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement’s Kent State Moment

The Importance of 1776

A Little Chaos Theory

Matters of the Heart

Brace Yourselves

Congress, Good God

"The Hundred-Year War for American Conservatism.”

Speaker of the House